Stack-Cup™ is an events and catering drink solution. The design and durability allows to provide drinks to users in an efficient and Eco-friendly way that consumers will love.

Stack-Cup™ boasts a unique patented handle design that enables spiral-pattern stacking for easy portability.

Stack-Cup™ is washable, durable, and reusable. The perfect green solution for contributing to today’s growing revolution against a throw-away society.

BI has invested early stage in this innovative company that is now concurring the world with high profile clients as Budweiser and Heineken.!

Read all about Stack-Cup in the 2013 Investment document provided by Booming Industries Ltd: BI_Stack-Cup__Investment_sheet_2013

StackCup_Hurricanepic StackCup_BudLightNFLpic

And check Stack Cup’s featured news item on FOX News!



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