
At the ACE Medical Convention in London, Richard Sikkel, Executive Vice President of REVIV Global and Dr. Martin Kinsella, Medical Director of REVIV UK jointly presented how the U.S.A./U.K. based company REVIV recognized a growing need for Preventative Health treatments and consequently developed a worldwide roll-out strategy that has brought the young company undisputed market leadership.

Started in the U.S.A. in 2010, researching formulas for elective infusion (IV) therapy and carefully creating the REVIV brand, 2012 saw the first clinic opening in Miami Beach, followed by the clinic in the MGM hotel in Lase Vegas. Now, early 2015 REVIV has achieved offering it’s services in New York City, London and Cheshire through Exclusive REVIV clinics.

In the coming months REVIV will open new Exclusive clinics in Johannesburg (South Africa), Dubai (U.A.E.), The Hague and Rotterdam (Netherlands), while simultaneously the Canadian market will be covered and efforts are made to enter into Russia, South America and further into the Middle East. The U.K. will see 50 to 100 clinics in the new REVIV Express Licensing model that REVIV UK introduced last week at a celebrity event in the Cheshire clinic.

Although many favor the REVIV treatments, some healthy skepticism is still present, hence “the pro’s and con’s of IV” debate that followed.

1)   What exactly is Intravenous Micro-nutrient Therapy? Richard Sikkel explains: “First of all it is about hydration. The larger part of the population suffers from dehydration leading to headaches and other inconveniences. Our basis IV Hydromax is Pure Hydration, mainly focused on the market for Athletes that seek fast replenishing after performance. Secondly, based on symptoms of patients, an IV with specific ingredients may be prescribed. These treatments are further divided in A) Wellness treatments for patients that show symptoms as fatigue or restlessness but are not ill. For these patients REVIV offers Megaboost, the vitamin infusion that boosts the Immune System and Vitaglow, the infusion that includes the bodies own master anti-oxidant Glutathione and has a strong effect on the quality of the skin. B) For minor illness as headaches, nausea and flu-symptoms REVIV offers her recovery infusions Ultraviv and Royal Flush. Lastly we are not a hospital, we do not treat severe illnesses but refer these for specialized treatment.”

2)   Who are the most likely candidates for this type of treatment? Dr. Martin Kinsella answers that “what defines the need for a certain treatment are the symptoms that a patient shows. This can vary from people with strenuous jobs, or people that spend much time on airplanes to more in general people that just not come to the intake of sufficient nutrients and fluids in their daily menu.“

3)   Which type of patients should be cautious? “Patients that suffer from heart disease or reduced kidney function, patients that are treated for severe illness or are allergic for the ingredients of the IVs will either be declined or referred for specialized treatment.”

4)   Which Safety aspects are relevant? “Supply of ingredients by leading pharmaceutical firms, mixing of treatments in a clinical environment and using the best qualified medical professionals.”

5)   What is the Research behind this, what evidence is available? Richard Sikkel answers: “In the first place it is important to look at what we actually do. In essence these are Wellness treatments. Our claim is non-medical: Look and Feel your best!”. This is quite subjective and therefore is the output not easily measured. Secondly, all ingredients are supplied by Pharmacies and the prescriptive ingredients have been clinically tested before they were admitted to the market. Thirdly, all treatments are performed by qualified medical professionals. In terms of evidence, a lot of that is anecdotal and supported by Case studies. Much independent research has been done on which literature is published. REVIV employs a Chief Research Pharmacist who’s responsibility it is to constantly study the effect and interaction of the IV ingredients. In terms of experience, the so-called Meyers Cocktail has been administered successfully to +200,000 patients in the last 40 years. REVIV itself has successfully administered +25,000 IV’s in the last 4 years. 73% of EU patients are recurring and on average recommend REVIV to 2,3 others.” Constance Campion (NMC) argues that “REVIV should spend a few hundred million on the clinical research of the exact composition of the formulas to maximize safety.” Dr. Jacques Otto notes that: “he is in favor of running blood-tests prior to IV nutrient administration.” REVIV’s Dr. Martin Kinsella answers “that there is no need for (expensive) blood-testing as all vitamins and ingredients are water soluble and given the relative low dosage of ingredients the risk is close to zero, while blood-tests neither give a 100% relevant outcome.”

6)   What is REVIV’s revenue model? Richard Sikkel explains: “Our model is that we provide a strong global brand in which patients and medical professionals can have confidence. We develop and keep enhancing our formulas and share our knowledge. Our income is not based on volume but on the fixed monthly license fee that we charge to our clinics.”

ACE 2015


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